Tuesday 1-2 pm
$ 70.00
Horticulture Center
2206 Johnston St.
Lafayette, LA 70503
Contact: [email protected]
MARCH 28, 2017 - Week 1
Plant Growth and Development - Know and Show Sombrero - Students will make hats from
newspaper and will decorate the hats - these will be their garden hats If we have time
Hamburger plant activity
APRIL 4, 2017- Week
P.L.A.N.T. Needs:
APRIL 11, 2017 - Week 3
Shoe box compost bins - soil making. Students will recycle (compost) plant material
APRIL 18, 2017 - Week 4
Ecology and Environmental Horticulture - In nature, there is a balance between all living things. What you say or do affects other people. We are all interdependent, and every living thing has a purpose. EX Many people think bees just cause trouble, many plants could not live without bees and other pollinators. Sometimes people do not know that their actions affect the delicate balance between people and other living things.
APRIL 25, 2017 - Week 5
Insects - Good bugs vs bad bugs Do either a Butterfly release and/or lady bug release
MAY 9,2017 - Week 6
Learning your ABP's - Annuals, Biennials and perennials Have flower books to make a collage
of all three types of plants. Vegetables and Herbs Some Like it Hot and some like it cold Seed Bank (LouAnn)
May 16, 2017 - Week 7
My Plate - Celeste Hay
MAY 23, 2017 - Week 8
Life skills - What Are you like
Tuesday 1-2 pm
$ 70.00
Horticulture Center
2206 Johnston St.
Lafayette, LA 70503
Contact: [email protected]
MARCH 28, 2017 - Week 1
Plant Growth and Development - Know and Show Sombrero - Students will make hats from
newspaper and will decorate the hats - these will be their garden hats If we have time
Hamburger plant activity
APRIL 4, 2017- Week
P.L.A.N.T. Needs:
- P. Place. In a container or garden
- L. Light. Sun or Artificial Light
- A. Air. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
- N. Nutrients. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
- T. Thirsty. Plants, like all living things, need water
- S. Soil. Or other material (sand, gravel, water) to grow roots in
APRIL 11, 2017 - Week 3
Shoe box compost bins - soil making. Students will recycle (compost) plant material
- Recipe: Green Stuff - Any plant material that is still green adds nitrogen to the composting material. This speeds up the process by heating up the tiny animals, bugs and micro organisms in it. NO MEAT, DAIRY, FAT
- Brown Stuff - This plant material, which has been dead long enough to become brown, adds carbon to the composting material. NEWSPAPER, LEAVES Water -
- Water is essential to the composting process. Moisture allows the fungi, bacteria and other creatures, such as pill bugs and earthworms, to break down the material
- Soil - Soils naturally contain living organisms that eat the organic material to make the composting process take place. Add a layer of soil occasionally throughout the composting process to distribute these organisims within the organic matter.
- When the matter breaks down, heat is created up to `135 degrees need to turn
APRIL 18, 2017 - Week 4
Ecology and Environmental Horticulture - In nature, there is a balance between all living things. What you say or do affects other people. We are all interdependent, and every living thing has a purpose. EX Many people think bees just cause trouble, many plants could not live without bees and other pollinators. Sometimes people do not know that their actions affect the delicate balance between people and other living things.
- Activity: Nature class Web: Students will be asked a question, Everyone will get to answer a question. When they do they hold string or loop it to wheel chair. This will create a web and everyone is connected.... Ask questions What if the world had no animals to eat dead leaves etc and cut the string Have them notice how the web is not as strong even if one part is changed Activity: Nature Windows- Students will create windows using dried leaves and flowers. This is made with contact paper and construction paper and yarn to hang the window.
APRIL 25, 2017 - Week 5
Insects - Good bugs vs bad bugs Do either a Butterfly release and/or lady bug release
MAY 9,2017 - Week 6
Learning your ABP's - Annuals, Biennials and perennials Have flower books to make a collage
of all three types of plants. Vegetables and Herbs Some Like it Hot and some like it cold Seed Bank (LouAnn)
May 16, 2017 - Week 7
My Plate - Celeste Hay
MAY 23, 2017 - Week 8
Life skills - What Are you like